Monday, October 15, 2012
Gangai Konda Cholapuram

Friday, May 18, 2012
One of my office colleague requested a sketch for his house warming invitation. I took reference of my uncle house. This provided me a good learning since I was not comfortable with proportions of a geometric structure. I have made a quite a number of mistakes in this sketch and I need to focus more on the proportions and depth.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Sketches in Black Ink
There is something unique about ink sketching. A myriad of cross hatches and lines strokes with a combination of black and white recess can create wonders that can outshine the oil painting and water color painting.
Some of the sketches are done using pencil to highlight the difference it makes when done with a black pen.
Alappuzha Boat House Sketch
Indian Squirrel
Coonoor Station
Silhouette Sketch
Friday, December 19, 2008
This is the topic that has enticed almost all of us in the past four months or so(after the bankruptcy filed by banks all over the world). I am not here to review the effects of it or the effects that had caused it to happen but would like to review the overall inter connection between economy , credit crunch and globalization.I like to explain it in simple ways so that to understand them better though they have complex webs of interlinks of invincible inputs which cannot be captured in this mere discussion.
What is economy? The meaning cited in the oxford dictionary is "the state of a country or region in terms of the production and consumption of goods and services and the supply of money".
In simple terms, economy is "the money flow". This money flow can be stimulated by myriad of ways. The money you strive hard to earn and spend lavishly or sometimes sensibly on things you desire and things you dire for.The latter spending fits the latter aptly. More or less its the public that stimulates this money flow. If everyone wish to save their money in bank and stay thrifty on their spending this world would not need consumer products. So an countrys reponsibility is to make people spend their money. Spend on cars, real estate, mobile,TV, Ipod, computer, gambling etc. So if you spend your money the companies which sell their products get money and if you are working for one such company ,you will get money. Most of us get salary like this. So everyone would accept that money flow should persist.
Well next, we will try to correlate this with credit crunch. I have been following this for the past 4 yrs and I have to accept that it is a very complex process though you can see it in simple angle. I wonder whether those working in financial sectors understand why it emerged and how it spreaded all over. Again I wish to make my discussion very candid and simple. Credit crunch had its root in american banks. Once was their a rising boom in real estate in america and american banks issued loans to people with poor credit history i.e one who doesnt hold possessions which has value atleast equivalent to the loan he gets. In legal terms , he cant be entitled for the loan. Why did the banks give then? It was a miscalculationa and misconception the bank had that the rising real estate price would make everyone rich and they can pay back their money. Every measurable quantity in this world has a characteristics called saturation. So real estate price reached saturation and prices started to fall. So people who have got the loan were not able to repay back. So banks started to fall. They started losing money. But wait a minute, where did the bank get the money to lend. Well there are two sides in a coin.If one is seeking money another is saving money. Common citizens, Business people, filthy riches belong to both the side of the coin. So this resulted in many of them losing their business,houses, cars and biggest of all, their jobs. An detailed explanation is given in the below link
If credit crunch is the culprit, its accomplice is globalization. Globalization is the cause for deepening this credit crunch. The money flows from the Developed countries to developing countries. The banks in the developed country invests its money in other banks,real estates,stock market etc of developing countries.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Leonardo Da Vinci

This world has produced many sparkling personalities whose intellectuals have amazed and inspired us. Leonardo Da Vinci is one among them who cant be neglected from the list and may fit aptly at the top of the list. Leonardo Da Vinci does not fit in the garb of one profession. He is an artist,scientist,mathematician,botanist,sculptor and the list goes on.
His first profession was as a painter.Some of his splendid works are Baptism of christ, The Last supper, Mona Lisa, The Vitruvian man. Most of his paintings had indepth meaning with a futuristic approach and some had hidden secrets(as cited in many books).
He was also a engineer and an scientist. Some of his works are study of the horse, the virtuvian man,study of foetus in the womb, study of arm, design of flying machine.
Lot of his ideas paved path for modern discoveries like the design of helicopter, design of tank and solar power etc.
In his early periods he posted job application to Ludovico Sforza, the ruler of milan. His resume is a inspiration for every individual.
"Having now sufficiently seen and considered the proofs of all those who count themselves masters and inventors in the instruments of war, and finding that their invention and use does not differ in any respect from those in common practice, I am emboldened … to put myself in communication with your Excellency, in order to acquaint you with my secrets"
1.I can construct bridges which are very light and strong and very portable with which to pursue and defeat an enemy
2.I can also make a kind of cannon, which is light and easy of transport, with which to hurl small stones like hail
3.I can noiselessly construct to any prescribed point subterranean passages either straight or winding passing if necessary under trenches or a river
4.I can make armored wagons carrying artillery, which can break through the most serried ranks of the enemy
5.In time of peace, I believe I can give you as complete satisfaction as anyone else in the construction of buildings, both public and private, and in conducting water from one place to another.
6.I can execute sculpture in bronze, marble or clay. Also, in painting, I can do as much as anyone, whoever he may be.
7.If any of the said things should seem impossible or impractical to anyone, I offer myself as ready to make a trial of them in your park or in whatever place shall please your Excellency, to whom I commend myself with all possible humility.